Last post: August 5th. 5 months offline. Wow.
5 months reorganising my life and trying to crawl out of the whole in which I'd hidden myself in during this year's first semester. Nah, I don't want to linger on that subject.
Now, trying to sum up what I'd been doing during these past 5 months:
1. I got an internship at a Tax Law firm. My boss (or should I say former boss? Pay attention to #8) is super nice and so is everyone else that works there. Finally learned that it's possible to not hate myself for going to Law school because: there are nice people and nice things related to studying Law.

2. I worked at a sexual and gender diversity congress that my university organised. I met so many adorable folks!♥♥♥.

3. I went to a Tax Law congress and when they were randomly picking people to win books they picked me! I had no idea there was such thing going on & it was the first time I'd ever been randomly picked for anything. So excited. EIUAHLSKDJFAIUAHFOI

4. I am now a translator for the Ian Somerhalder Foundation. (Hottest boss of the year??)

5. I spent a weekend in São Paulo... to go to an American Academy of Dramatic Arts workshop & I also audition for it! Miracles do happen and...! YES!!! Does anyone want to give me 30k bucks to go study there? #givemescholarships

6. Got back to making almost everything with my bff Carol. We've been friends since we were 4, but life, this crazy thing, messed up our friendship-messing-around-plans for a quite long time until we both got into uni and now have more free time. "More" as in something that's bigger than zero (which is not saying a lot, and that's precisely what I mean). Te amo, Carol. ♥

7. I got accepted in a mandarim course thingy in Taiwan. I'm going to study/live at the National Taiwan Normal University, in Taipei, for a couple of months & I shall finally learn how to write in Mandarin. I can speak, but I'm almost 100% illiterate. That shall change. And since I'm going away to Taiwan, I had to quit my internship.

Hopefully I won't spend another 5 months without updating!